Terri Lavigne
Advocate for Hamden, Hampshire and Worcester counties

  Hi, I'm Terri Lavigne Advocate for Hampden, Hampshire and Worcester counties; I'm also leader of my chapter MA 0211 Chicopee.

  I've been an Area Captain/Advocate for nearly 15 years now and I get a great deal of joy when I see someone reach their goal.  I have lost over 180 pounds in TOPS, one of my prize possessions’ is my Century Award that I've held for 19 years.  I hope to stay in TOPS for the rest of my life.  If it weren't for my special friends that stood by me, I wouldn't be this far and I want to pay it back and help others.

   I worked for 22 years as a preschool teacher and as a store clerk on the side.  I graduated from Westfield State University with a BS in education; Early Childhood k-3 and was Director One qualified.  I worked until I became handicapped. I’ve been married to Dave for 29 years.

  Besides TOPS, I sell Mary Kay..... I hope to be here for you in the future.