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Fall Rally 2016

TOPS Inspired By Our Heroes

Saturday, October 22nd  at the beautiful
Double Tree Inn
99 Erdman Way, Leominster, MA  01453

Hosted by MA 439 Taunton

Photos click here!

Hello to all of “Our TOPS HEROES”:  

We hope that you have all been enjoying your summer and that your Heroes and the Fall Rally contests have inspired you to work towards your goals.  

 We do want to share that we are planning to make our TOPS Hero Esther Manz a big part of our Fall Rally.  You may even want to take the opportunity to have your picture taken with her.  This will be a great opportunity to bring your Teens, Preteens, New Members and Renewed Members to be inspired by the very person who started TOPS Club, Inc.  

Fall Rally will soon be upon us and we are so excited to share this day with you.  We are also looking forward to learning more about your personal heroes, through your words, costumes and banners.  So who is your Hero?  Is your Hero a bird, a plane, or Superman…is it Mighty Mouse, Walt Disney, George Washington, Florence Nightingale, or is it someone one who is as real and dear to your heart as a person could be?  We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, October 22, 2016.  In the meantime embrace your Hero and be INSPIRED to be the best and healthiest person you can be.  

TOPS Hugs,

Committee Members
Deborah McGuire -508-304-5839
Donna Miller – 508-644-2399
Linda Vasiliadis – 774-766-2787
Pattijean Horton – 508-813-7948
Melissa Eldridge – 508-822-7257