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Fall Rally 2024 - This year we have two, East and West

TOPS Hawaiian Luau

East West
Saturday, October 19, 2024 Saturday, October 26, 2024
Venus DeMilo Castle of Knights
75 Grand Army of the Republic Hwy, Swansea, MA 1599 Memorial Dr., Chicopee, MA
Registration: 8:00 am Rally: 8:45 am Registration: 8:00 am Rally: 9:15 am
Click Here Click Here

Your Massachusetts Field Staff is pleased to invite you to join us for our Hawaiian Luau themed Fall Rallies this year.  We have a couple of locations and dates available.  Members can choose from two different rallies this year.  So, plan to attend one or both!  Don’t forget to show your TOPS enthusiasm by wearing a Luau themed outfit for the day.
 Registration Fee is $45.00 per member (per rally). Lunch included.
Do chapter members have to attend the same rally?  No, but separate forms must be completed for each day. 
Can a chapter attend more than one rally?
  Yes, but again, separate forms must be completed as well as registration fees for each rally.  All forms can be mailed in the same envelope.  Members or chapters attending more than one rally may only participate in the Weight Loss and Special Awards Contests at one location.
 Rally plans include awards, raffles, skits, inspiration, information and lots of laughter.  Chapters are encouraged to design a centerpiece for your table, making sure your chapter number and city are on it.  For example…TOPS MA 0000 City/Town.  The centerpieces should be theme related.
 We will be breaking for lunch and an updated email will be sent to chapter Leaders and Web Designates with the menus as we get closer to the dates.
 Reminder: If members of the same chapter are attending different rallies or more than one rally, separate forms must be completed.
The rally packet includes the following:
·         Mailing address and due date
·         Basket Raffle, 50/50 Drawing & Promotions
·         Fall Rally Registration
·         Summer Weight Loss Recognition
·         Chapter Skits
·         Chapter Anela (Angel)
·         Consecutive Monthly Weight Loss Recognition
·         KOPS Solid As Mauna Kea Mountain Recognition (at or below goal)
·         KOPS of the Summer (Maintaining KOPS Status throughout the summer)
·         New KOPS of the Summer (Recognizing all new KOPS)  
Note:  Summer Best Loser will be determined from the Male and Female Members with the Highest Weight Loss sent in on the Weight Loss Forms.
Come join us rally for weight loss in Luau style, as we support our fellow TOPS & KOPS members, and leave motivated to continue moving to the music with your TOPS journey!
PLEASE try to send ALL forms together at one time.  Receiving multiple mailings from many chapters causes confusion and could lead to registrations, recognitions or awards being missed.  THANK YOU!
 Your TOPS Massachusetts Field Staff
Patti Jean Horton, Coordinator (508-813-7948  pattijeanh@gmail.com)
Susan Brandon, Advocate
Kathy Hersey, Advocate
Terri Lavigne, Advocate
Ralph Lesure, Advocate
Debbie McGuire, Advocate
Robb Topolski, Advocate
Mellissa Eldridge, State Secretary
Kathy Passerini, State Treasurer

Download all the forms here:
A: 1st Letter B: Registration Form
C: Basket Raffle Form D:Summer Weight Loss Form
E: KOPS Contests F: Chapter Angel
G: Chapter Skit H: Deadline and Mailing Notes
I: All Forms in one download

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